Pay Off Your Debt and Avoid Future Traps

Hi guys. Welcome back. Today we'll talk about paying off our debts. Debts weigh us down so much sometimes it's difficult to sleep. If you're an everyday person like me, the temptation to borrow to augment your income will be ever-present. For instance, my car is currently down and I can't afford the cost of repairs. So, the car is in the workshop. To raise money for the bill, I will have to literally win a jackpot or do some real financial rearrangement. In the meantime, I'm at the mercy of the public transportation system in my country which is a real challenge. Our public transport system is essentially in the hands of the private sector. Within that space, anything goes. If we focus specifically on Lagos, the transportation system is a wonder. Inadequate social services and an uncontrolled rural-urban migration has created a system unable to cope with daily transportation needs. So, the private sector is the big player here. Due to the lack of regulation, no mea...